Short Guide to Walbury Capital’s Terms of Service
As the cryptocurrency world can be difficult and opaque, we strive to be always upfront and transparent. You putting your trust in Walbury Capital means a great deal to us. This starts before you make your first transaction, with the terms of service.
Below you will find the most important passages from our Terms and Service and Privacy Policy, in alphabetical order. The links to the full policies are of course also listed below, for your convenience.
1. Cryptocurrencies
We exchange Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Ripple (XRP) to and from GBP, USD or EURO.
2. Data storage
Based on UK accounting regulation, we will keep records of your transaction for seven years since you have completed your last sale or purchase. In case you have just logged in, without transacting, we can erase it instantly. If you wish to remove your account, you can send us a request via e-mail to
3. Fees
Walbury Capital charges between 3% - 7% on every transaction, depending on the payment method and the type of order that you choose. In case you transfer for at least 100K USD per year, you could pay as little as 2% by becoming a Walbury Capital Premium user. Further information about the fees and payment methods can be found here.
4. Investment support and third-party trading
While using Walbury Capital, make sure that you are performing transactions on your own behalf. There are organisations or individuals (so-called third-party service providers) that might ask you to be your trader or advisor. Sometimes, they even request access to your computer to perform transactions on your behalf. Always make sure that you control the wallet that you send your funds to. If you don’t do that, you are not only breaching our terms of service but also putting yourself at significant risk of losing your funds.
5. Jurisdiction
Walbury Capital operates under the laws of United Kingdom.
6. Liability
Walbury Capital’s team does everything in its power to keep your funds and investments safe, protected and secure. You have to be aware that once completed, cryptocurrency transactions are not reversible, based on the way that the blockchain is designed. Despite our best intentions, we will not be able to reverse a completed transaction or support you in case you have lost the keys to your personal cryptocurrency wallet.
7. Personal data and your personal information
Walbury Capital does not share your personal information or any data that might identify you with other entities unless that information is needed to process the transaction or has been requested by law enforcement agencies.
Our Privacy Policy provides more extensive information on how Walbury Capital collects and uses your personal data.
8. Proof of funds
From time to time, as required by law, you might be asked to provide information about the source of your funds, wealth or cryptocurrency. Please ensure that you answer the questions to the fullest extent, as otherwise your account might be terminated and the transactions refused.
9. Refunds
In case your transaction has not been completed yet, you might always ask our customer service for a refund. There is a fee of 50 USD connected to the refund process.
10. Restricted users
You have to be a UK tax resident with a valid BankID, who is 18 years or older to use Walbury Capital’s services. Users who have restricted identities, hidden identities or protected identities are not being accepted at this stage.
11. Stay safe
As a regulated financial institution with the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) since 2013, we are leading in understanding the risks and threats in the cryptocurrency world. This knowledge we pass onto you on our web, on our fraud prevention page and through our support articles. While we do our part in protecting you, we encourage you to stay vigilant by educating yourself.
12. Transaction times
Your transaction will be completed after we have received and processed your funds. For buy crypto orders, paid with bank wire tranfer, it takes on average 10 minutes for bitcoin transactions to arrive in your wallet due to the blockchain transaction processing time. If the blockchain is congested, processing time can be longer. For Ethereum and XRP similar processing times exist.
While selling cryptocurrency to Walbury Capital, your payout will take place with a bank transfer to your bank account. The payout can take from one hour up to 36 hours during banking days. This depends on your bank and the time of day that you sent the funds for your order.
13. Wallet information
Walbury Capital is not a cryptocurrency wallet provider. By accepting our terms, you are only allowed to exchange GBP, USD or EUR to cryptocurrency that is sent to your own wallet. As Walbury Capital is not a payment service provider, you are not allowed to pay for products, services, or technology, and doing so is a breach of our Terms of Service.