FAQ Question

In this section, you will find Walbury Capital frequently asked questions..

You can download a receipt for your completed order by clinking on the payment confirmation link that was sent to your email. Click on ¨orders¨ and then go to the order for which you want to download a receipt. There you will find a link that says ¨download reciept¨.

If you know that you previously received Bitcoin for your own wallet but forgot which wallet you used, there are some steps you can take to try to find it again.

Search through your email to see if you find any trace in the form of an activation confirmation or similar from a wallet provider you used.

In the email, you can scroll down and see if you recognize any of the wallet providers mentioned.

Search through old documents on your computer to see if you may have written down the backup key needed to recreate your wallet. It can also be a good idea to look through old documents and papers that you have in your home for this.

Unfortunately,Walbury Capital cannot help you access your external wallet if you have forgotten your login details as we are not responsible for your personal wallet.

If you have traded cryptocurrencies, you are required to show your transactions in your tax return regardless of whether you made a profit or made a loss. The text below is copied from the Uk Tax Agency's website:

If you have sold, exchanged or paid with a cryptocurrency, you need to report this to the UK Tax Agency in connection with your declaration. If you have made a profit, you must pay tax on your profit, and if you have made a loss, you may deduct part of it. Cryptocurrency is also called virtual currency or digital currency. - The UK Tax Agency.

Walbury Capital cannot give advice or instructions on how to declare and therefore we advise you to contact the Uk Tax Agency directly to get answers to your questions regarding the taxation of cryptocurrencies.

Privacy wallets with mixing functionality

Using a so-called privacy wallet is not in itself suspicious (we understand and respect the choice from the privacy point of view) but mixing services can also be used to obfuscate the true origin of the funds and thereforeWalbury Capital does not allow any transactions to and from the following wallet services:

Wasabi Wallet
Samourai Wallet
Rahakott Wallet

In case you use the above-mentioned wallets, you might no longer be able to use Annly capital to buy or sell your cryptocurrencies.

High-risk services

Walbury Capital does not support the usage of the following exchanges:


In case you use the above-mentioned services, you might no longer be able to use Vember Capital to buy or sell your cryptocurrencies.

There are different possible reasons for the freezing of yourWalbury Capital account. If your account has been frozen, it may be for some of the following reasons:

Before placing a buy or sell order you always see the fee. You see the fee as well an estimation of how much cryptocurrency is going to be sent to you. Our price includes all the banking, forex and operating fees, so there are no other fees or added costs you need to worry about.


We have the following fees when buying on our website:

*If you invest more than 20K USD.

*Please contact our support team to find out more aboutWalbury Capital Premium and Walbury Capital Business.

*Powered byWalbury Capital:

*Before you make a purchase with a partner, you will see the total fee. Partners can set their own fees and they may vary from those onWalbury Capital.

*Bitcoin transaction fees:

*Fees for transferring Bitcoin to your wallet address are not included in our fee price. They are listed separately on your receipt.

*Administration fees:

*Administration fees apply for wrong payment information and refunds.

*The fee is 10 USD for handling such requests.

Buy & Sell Popular Cryptocurrency Easily with Our Wallet

You can buy all popular cryptocurrency with our Cryrpto Wallet easily. You can also sell all popular Cryptocurrency and FIAT Currency.